Find And Download Old Version Of Software Quickly

Did you upgrade your software and found that a feature is missing or you are having compatibility problem? Don’t fret yet, you can download the old version of the software from the company’s website. But sometimes they don’t link to old version of the software, in such cases you can try out OldVersion, it is a website dedicated to multiple versions of all software that are old.

Sometimes Old Is Gold.

It contains categories such as Communication, Graphics, Multimedia, Internet, File Sharing, Utilities, Security, Enterprise, and FTP. There is a build-in forum where you can request some old software or just talk about general topics.

According to them,

Sometimes upgrading to a newer version can be a good thing. Other times, your computer may not be compatible with the new version, the new version is bloated, or all the options you liked are no longer available.

And… assists computer users who are unable to continually upgrade their computer. Those who find that their machine is not able to run the latest version of a certain application have no choice but to use an old version of the program. Unfortunately, the vast majority of software companies do not offer this opportunity. We are doing our small part to help bridge the digital divide by allowing everyone to enjoy the same software titles regardless of their hardware.